English Rice Recipes is very useful for people who are interested in cooking.
There are 11 sections in this application.
- Indian Receipes
- Biryani Receipes
- Mexican Receipes
- American Receipes
- Thai Receipes
- Chinese Receipes
- Japanese Receipes
- Kitchen Tips
other types of Rice,
information about Rice,
Important kitchen tips, etc. are Recipes
The recipes of this recipe app are only in English. The feature of this application is that you can use this entire application offline, as well as you can share recipes.
In this way, this English Rice Recipe Application is available at anytime in your kitchen.
English Rice Resipi amat berguna untuk orang yang berminat dalam masakan.
Terdapat 11 bahagian dalam permohonan ini.
- receipes India
- Biryani receipes
- receipes Mexico
- receipes American
- Thai receipes
- receipes Cina
- receipes Jepun
- Tips Dapur
lain-lain jenis Rice,
maklumat mengenai Rice,
tips dapur penting, dan lain-lain Resipi
Resipi aplikasi resipi ini hanya dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Ciri-ciri permohonan ini adalah bahawa anda boleh menggunakan aplikasi keseluruhan ini di luar talian, dan juga anda boleh berkongsi resipi.
Dengan cara ini, ini English Rice Resipi Permohonan boleh didapati di bila-bila masa di dapur anda.